13 Ramadan 2023: Be a ray

2006 Entry: Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. - George Gordon Byron What an honour it is to be the one who god has decreed to be a ray of positivity in the lives if those around them. What... Continue Reading →

7 Ramadan 2023: Kindness

2005 Entry: Kindness makes a fellow feel good, whether it's being done to him or by him.-Frank A. Clark Seems like a rarity these days - seems, because we cannot know for sure where the whole world stands when it comes to kindness. What we know is that communities that show kindness or seem kind,... Continue Reading →

26 Ramadan 2021: Imperfect

One who is willing to recognize and accept their own imperfections, is the one who will truly live a full life and be enough.- Christine E. Szymanski Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash We are all imperfect, it is a guaranteed certainty. We will never be anything by imperfect and perfection only resides with god. Remembering that we are... Continue Reading →

23 Ramadan 2021: Ode to those we lost

All deaths are sudden, no matter how gradual the dying may be.- Michael McDowell Photo by Alexander Lam on Unsplash Your Name I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. So I wrote your name in my heart, and that's... Continue Reading →

22 Ramadan 2021: If you can’t …

You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.- James Baldwin Photo by Toa... Continue Reading →

21 Ramadan 2021: Why people annoy us

By now he had learned enough to know that when he was getting annoyed at somebody else, it was usually because there was something that he himself should be doing, and he wasn't doing it.- Lev Grossman Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash I honestly did not want to use the quote above but that in itself was... Continue Reading →

20 Ramadan 2021: Stay Calm, Be You

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.- Harvey Fierstein Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash After many years, I have one conclusion, blessed and lucky are those who can live through life being themselves with kindness. Being ourselves is hard enough, but... Continue Reading →

13 Ramadan 2021: Just Nice

Staying silent is like a slow growing cancer to the soul and a trait of a true coward. There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself. You may not win every battle. However, everyone will at least know what you stood for—YOU.- Shannon L. Alder Photo by Joao Vitor Marcilio on Unsplash Initially I was taken... Continue Reading →

11 Ramadan 2021: Selfish-ness

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.- Oscar Wilde Photo by Leonard von Bibra on Unsplash The whole concept of selfishness was opened like a pandora's box during Covid. Whatever position one took in respect to masks, distancing or vaccinations was often a matter of... Continue Reading →

9 Ramadan 2021: Triggers

It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.- Epictetus Photo by Amritanshu Sikdar on Unsplash If the quote reflects reality, which I think it might be, the question becomes how can we have measured reactions that benefit us all in a world where the aim is to 'win', not 'win-win' or even... Continue Reading →

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