28 Ramadan 2021: Framework for Giving Back

Give what you have received- Anonymous Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash Do you give time? Money? Knowledge? to others? What do you give? Do you know what to give? When to give it? How to give it? These are questions that often come to mind. A concept that is well known in the Islamic tradition is that... Continue Reading →

27 Ramadan 2021: Blessings

Photo by Silviu Zidaru on Unsplash Everyday is filled with blessings. Don’t you see them? Just look around. Everyday is filled with blessings, yes it is Look for those blessings you’ve not yet found. f you have sight, that sight is a blessing. If you can hear, what a blessing you have. If you have kissed the hand of a scholar of Islam. You have... Continue Reading →

25 Ramadan 2020: Simple

The greatest truths are the simplest things in the world, simple as your own existence - Swami Vivekananda I was reflecting today on life moments and saw that some of the saddest and happiest moments can be explained by simple reasons. I was also then reflecting on life decisions and saw that the best decisions... Continue Reading →

6 Ramadan 2020: What Will You Regret?

The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart, didn't love enough. Nothing else really counts at all. - Ted... Continue Reading →

28 Ramadan 2018: Being grateful

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (PBUH) said: A grateful eater is equal to a patient fasting person.(in Ibn Majah) Year after year, I always reflect on whether it is harder to be patient through hardship or be grateful through blessings. According to this saying, we don't have to suffer and be hungry... Continue Reading →

6 Ramadan 2018: Basic Realities

Life's up and down from the time you get here to the time you leave - Luke Bryan There are three basic realities that make acceptance easier: We are all here for a limited time and we don't know if that time is short or long, all we know is that it eventually ends. So... Continue Reading →

20 Ramadan 2017: I think of …

He foresaw my every fall, my every sin, my every backsliding; yet, nevertheless, fixed His heart upon me. ― Arthur W. Pink As we start the last third of this blessed month, I think of god's mercy and love that enters our hearts when all else seems dark around us. I think of god's fairness in... Continue Reading →

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